How many windows can open in Turbo C++?​

 In the MSDOS era, the first version of Turbo C++ was available on the PC. Version 1.0 running on MSDOS was released in May 1990. OS/2 was also released. Version 1.01 was released on February 28, 1991 [1] and ran on MSDOS. The latter can generate COM and EXE programs and is provided with Borland Turbo Assembler Compiler for Intel x86 processors. The original Turbo C++ compiler was based on an interface developed by TauMetric, which was later acquired by Sun Microsystems, and its interface was included in Sun C++ 4.0 released in 1994. This compiler supports ATandT 2.0 comes from C++. Turbo C ++ 3.0 was released in 1991 (shipped on November 20), and it did so because people were looking forward to the upcoming Turbo C ++ for Microsoft Windows. Originally released for MSDOS Compiler, 3.0 Compatible C++ Templates, Borland Online Assembler and to create MSDOS mode executable files for 8086 real mode and 286 protected mode (and Intel 80186). 3.0 realizes ATandT C++ 2.1, the latest version. The separate product Turbo Assembler is no longer included, but the inline assembler can be provided as a version with limited functionality.
